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House Hunting for a Fixer Upper

When house hunting, shoppers may not find everything they want. Some find the idea of managing a renovation scary, but others are starting to embrace the idea. Buyers have developed an appreciation for older homes of all styles. From Victorian to Mid-Century, stylish older homes are making a comeback. With the help of the internet and easy to find service providers (with reliable ratings) fixing a house can become a little less scary.

Start with a budget for the home and plan to save additional funds for the renovation.  When you have spoken with loan officers and discussed loan options for fixer upper homes, you can start your search.

But First, A Realtor

Realtors are going to be your best asset in finding a home. They are far more familiar with communities. You have heard the saying:

“Buy the worst home, in the best neighborhood.”

A realtor can help with this by giving you advice on which homes are the best bargain for the location. Realtors see many homes, so they are great at giving you ideas for how to handle a fixer.


Plan to budget for a thorough and reliable inspector. Inspection reports can tell you which homes you should run from and which ones you should buy. Inspection reports are also great tools for negotiation. You can use key issues and repair lists to ask for a better price. Most important, an inspection will help with budgeting which is vital with a fixer upper home.


Having an inspiration makes design choices much easier. Look for real life examples, in your favorite neighborhood, for example, snap a photo for reference. Search on the web using sites like Pinterest or Instagram to look for ideas. Get estimates from reliable service providers. Use reviews online to help point you in the right direction and ask for a list of references when you do contact a service provider.


Many sales centers offer free consultations, design software, or consider hiring an interior designer to help with choices. There are many tempting options when shopping for a renovation, be sure you stick tightly to your budget. Renovations can easily be overwhelming on the wallet if you are not prepared.

Enjoy the Before and After

Many people enjoy seeing the results of their labor. Knowing that you had a hand in the choices for your home is very satisfying and it is part of the joy of home ownership. You can make memories and share your experiences with others.

To start your fixer upper house hunt contact one of our experienced realtors to get started!